Monday, 9 July 2012

Chapter ONE


* My knowledge of mathematics 
* How children learn mathematics

Our classrooms are becoming increasingly diverse, with children from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds coming together, the inclusion of children with special learning needs, etc. In addition, children also have different learning styles.

A teacher’s job is not an easy one. To be effective, we must provide an array of learning experiences and address the diverse learning abilities and styles of the children in class. The teaching of mathematics and any other subject for that matter needs to be differentiated so that children can acquire mathematical knowledge in their own unique ways.

Personally, I feel that it is imperative that teachers reflect a lot more on classroom practices. We need to constantly ask ourselves if we are providing enough, teaching appropriately, catering to the different developmental levels and learning styles, etc.

Knowledge gained from research
Leadership of the NCTM
Public and political pressure

has led to 

in the way mathematics is being taught in the US

These changes were initiated because US students had been underperforming in national and international studies as compared to students from Asia, notably.

The revised NCTM principles and standards

These principles and standards act as a guide and were developed to improve mathematics education in the US. They provide educators with learning goals for students from pre-K through grade 12, serve as a resource for teachers to improve instruction, and help guide the curriculum.

NCTM Principles

* Equity
* Curriculum
* Teaching
* Learning
* Assessment
* Technology

These principles reflect basic perspectives on which mathematics educators should base their decisions. They underline the foundation for mathematics programs by considering the broad issues of equity, curriculum, teaching, learning, assessment and technology.

What struck me most - The Teaching Principle

Effective mathematics teaching requires understanding what students know and need to learn and then challenging and supporting them to learn it well. (NCTM, 2000, p.16)

I believe that as an educator, I need to plan developmentally appropriate lessons and constantly assess progress and identify areas for improvement. Learning should be maximized for each child within his or her own ‘zone of proximal development’ (Vygotsky, 1978).

I also feel that It is important to keep abreast of current knowledge, constantly learn, practise and reflect in order to teach more effectively.

NCTM Content Standards

* Number and operations
* Algebra
* Geometry
* Measurement
* Data analysis and probability

These outline the specific mathematics concepts for each grade level.

An outline is an important guide to rely on however a teacher's responsibility especially in the kindergarten classroom, is to capitalize on play and everyday activities to promote learning. 

Concepts should be taught in an experiential way. Children should be allowed many opportunities to explore and build their knowledge through concrete manipulations. This brings me back to the basic principles of HOW we teach. The teacher's mindset and attitude makes a world of difference to how much and how well a child learns.

NCTM Process Standards

* Problem solving
* Reasoning and proof
* Communication
* Connections
* Representation

These process standards help teachers to make informed instructional and curricular decisions when teaching mathematics. 

Apart from planning appropriate lessons and creating a supportive environment with meaningful interactive mathematical activities, teachers can help to build process skills by asking questions that would help children to make sense of what they are doing.

We can ask questions like..

Why did you do that?
What would you do if....?
How could you show....?

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